• Zhao, Jian
  • Title: Professor
  • E-mail: jzhao@bjtu.edu.cn
  • Department: Economics
Education Background

Bachelor:1978--1982-,Industrial Automation Major,Tongji University

Work Experience(Including Academic Visiting)

1.2003-07-01,2004-01-01,University of Connecticut,Senior Visiting Scholar

2.2001-07-01,2001-09-01,Victoria University of Technology, Australia

3.1999-04-01,2000-04-01,Uppsala University, Sweden,Visiting

4.1997-05-01,1997-08-01,Business School of Duquesne University,Visiting

5.1997-01-01,2003-01-01,Economics Department, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University,Vice-President

6.1996-01-01,1997-01-01,Business Administration Department, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University,Director

7.1995-01-01,1996-01-01,Department of Industrial and Building Management engineering, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University

8.1990-10-01,1991-11-01,Centre for Development and Planning, University of Bradford, UK,Visiting Scholar

Research Interests

Research on industrial Organization and Enterprise theory, enterprise strategy,Industrial economics,regional economics

Research Project
1. Academic Research

1. (CO-PI)The role of Beijing-Zhangjiakou Wisdom High-speed Railway on Beijing Winter Olympic Games and intelligent city and county,Beijing High-End Think Tank Project,CO-PI:Zhou, Y.(2019-07-15 - 2019-12-01).

2. (CO-PI)Research on effect evaluation and debt sustainability of Belt and Road Initiative railway project,National Social Science Foundation of China General Program,CO-PI:Xiao, X.(2019-07-15 - 2022-07-31).

3. (CO-PI)Study on regional economic and social benefits of Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway,Other,CO-PI:Lin, X.(2018-04-30 - 2020-12-31).

4. (PI)A study on the analytical framework and evolutionary path of Chinas High-speed Railway economic theory—The theory and method of high-speed railway external economy,National Social Science Foundation of China Major Program,PI:Zhao, J.(2017-12-26 - 2019-12-31).

5. (CO-PI)Research on the analytical framework and evolutionary path of Chinas High-speed Railway economic theory,National Social Science Foundation of China Major Program,CO-PI:Lin, X.(2017-12-01 - 2021-12-31).

6. (CO-PI)Research on evaluation index system of safety chain of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei iron and steel industry,Beijing Philosophy and Social Affairs Office,CO-PI:Li, W.(2017-07-01 - 2020-07-01).

7. (CO-PI)Research on railway operation technology in western China—Study on the effect of Qinghai-Tibet Railway operation on economy and society,Science and Technology Foundation of the Ministry of Railways,CO-PI:Lin, X.(2015-03-01 - 2018-07-31).

2. Consulting Research

1. (CO-PI)Summary of sustainable development experiences and policy suggestions of central group,Social Science Commercially Funded Project,CO-PI:Pei, J.(2017-07-01 - 2019-01-31).

2. (CO-PI)Case study on sustainable development of central group,Social Science Commercially Funded Project,CO-PI:He, X.(2017-07-01 - 2019-01-31).

3. (CO-PI)Study on competition and supervision of railway transportation market in China,Social Science Commercially Funded Project,CO-PI:Zhang, Q.(2017-03-01 - 2018-02-28).

Teaching Courses


Economic Research Methodology (A)

Economic Research Methodology and Creative Education

Research topics in industrial economics

Principles of Economics

Methods of Economic research

Special Topic on Transport Economics

Application of Economics

Economics research Methodology and innovation Education


New Institutional Economics

Economic Research Methods

Methods of Economic research

1. Peer Reviewed Journals

1. Li, H.,& Zhao, J.(2020).The spatial distribution of Chinas technological innovation output—Evidence from Chinas prefecture-level and above regions,Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition).

2. Zhao, J.,(2019).Optimizing the spatial structure of population to promote the new industrial revolution,China Reform.

3. Zhao, Y.,& Zhao, J.(2019).New industrial revolution promotes urban spatial resource reallocation,Research on Economics and Management.

4. Zhao, Y.,& Zhao, J.(2019).The enlightenment of seoul public transport reform on ground transportation optimizing in Beijing,Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University (Social Sciences Edition).

5. Zhao, J.,(2019).Beware of high-speed rail Gray Rhinoceros,China Reform.

6. Zhao, J.,& Zhao, Y.(2018).Integrated station-city development: Maximizing the value of rail transit and land development,Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University (Social Sciences Edition).

7. Zhao, J.,(2018).The role of Public Railway Freight Transport in the national economy,China Highway.

8. Zhao, J.,(2018).comparative advantages of Public Railway Freight Transport,China Highway.

9. Zhao, J.,& Zhao, Y.(2018).The institutional arrangement for developing public transit in metropolis—From the perspective of spatial rights,Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University (Social Sciences Edition).

10. Bu, W.,Xie, Z., & Zhao, J.(2017).Characteristics, effect and evolution of Chinas industrial policy: Summary of the seminar on industrial policies,Research on Economics and Management.

11. Zhao, J.,(2016).A summary of the symposium on industrial policy,China Industrial Economics.

12. Zhao, J.,(2016).The role of Qinghai-Tibet Railway in safeguarding national unity and geopolitics,China Railway.

13. Tang, H.,& Zhao, J.(2016).Railroad restructuring practice and implication for Chinas railroad reform,China Transportation Review.

14. Zhao, J.,(2016).Causes of and countermeasures to the decline of Chinas economic growth,Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University (Social Sciences Edition).

15. Zhao, J.,(2016).Real estate: The main driving force of Chinas economic growth decline,Securities & Futures of China.

16. Yu, X.,& Zhao, J.(2016).Urban rail transit and spatial economic performance optimization of multi-center metropolitan areas—Drawing lessons from the development of Tokyo commuter railway,Inquiry Into Economic Issues.

17. Zhao, J.,Zhao, Y., & Li, Y.(2015).The variation in the value of travel-time savings and the dilemma of high-speed rail in China,Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

18. Tang, H.,& Zhao, J.(2015).Institutional structure of railway transport production and organizational mode of railway companies in China,Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University (Social Sciences Edition).

19. Zhao, J.,(2015).What is the focus of railway investment?,Xinhua Monthly.

20. Zhao, J.,(2015).The focus of future railway investment will not be on high-speed rail.,China Reform.

21. Tang, H.,& Zhao, J.(2015).Research on a Principal-Agent Model with organizational structure—Taking Chinas railway transport industry as an example,China Industrial Economics.

22. Zhao, J.,(2015).Zhao Jian: Three major obstacles hinder the construction of metropolitan areas,China Real Estate.

23. Zhao, J.,(2015).An appeal to break institutional barriers of developing metropolitan with a Bottom-Line,Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University (Social Sciences Edition).

2. Monographs

1. Zhao, J.,2016,Research on Chinas Railway Reform and Reorganization and the Problem of High-speed Rail,Economic Press China.

Expert Proposals

1.Zhao, J., & Wang, C..(2020)Suggestions on promoting the high-quality development of rail transit in Huitian area, . 1.Zhao, J..(2019)The new industrial revolution needs to adjust the policy of restricting the development of megalopolis, . 1.Zhao, J..(2016)New normal focus on railway development in 13th Five-year Plan in metropolitan areas, .
3. Other publications

1. & Zhao, Q.. .

2. Ding, H., Zhu, H., & Wu, W.. .

Meeting Presentations

1. & Zhao, Q.. .

2. Ding, H., Zhu, H., & Wu, W.. .

3. Zhao, J.. Deepening the transport supply-side structural reform and promoting the construction of a transportation power. The Founding Meeting of Transportation and Infrastructure Committee of China Industrial Economics Society and the Seminar on Construction of High-speed Railway Economy and Transportation Power. Beijing. 2019-11..

4. Zhao, J.. New industrial revolution needs Public transit. TSTE 2019. Beijing. 2019-10..

5. Zhao, J.. Institutional barriers to joint development of transport and land in China. TSTE 2018. Beijing. 2018-10..

6. Zhao, J.. The analysis of the external economy of high-speed railway. TSTE 2017. Beijing. 2017-10..

7. Zhao, J.. A reflection on the external economy of railway. The 48th Meeting of the Transportation 71 Forum. Beijing. 2017-09..

8. Zhao, J.. Spatial mismatch of resources and supply-side structural reform. TSTE 2016. Chongqing. 2016-11..

Teaching Development Articles

1. & Zhao, Q.. .

2. Ding, H., Zhu, H., & Wu, W.. .

3. Zhao, J.. Deepening the transport supply-side structural reform and promoting the construction of a transportation power. The Founding Meeting of Transportation and Infrastructure Committee of China Industrial Economics Society and the Seminar on Construction of High-speed Railway Economy and Transportation Power. Beijing. 2019-11..

4. Zhao, J.. New industrial revolution needs Public transit. TSTE 2019. Beijing. 2019-10..

5. Zhao, J.. Institutional barriers to joint development of transport and land in China. TSTE 2018. Beijing. 2018-10..

6. Zhao, J.. The analysis of the external economy of high-speed railway. TSTE 2017. Beijing. 2017-10..

7. Zhao, J.. A reflection on the external economy of railway. The 48th Meeting of the Transportation 71 Forum. Beijing. 2017-09..

8. Zhao, J.. Spatial mismatch of resources and supply-side structural reform. TSTE 2016. Chongqing. 2016-11..


1. & Zhao, Q.. .

2. Ding, H., Zhu, H., & Wu, W.. .

3. Zhao, J.. Deepening the transport supply-side structural reform and promoting the construction of a transportation power. The Founding Meeting of Transportation and Infrastructure Committee of China Industrial Economics Society and the Seminar on Construction of High-speed Railway Economy and Transportation Power. Beijing. 2019-11. .

4. Zhao, J.. New industrial revolution needs Public transit. TSTE 2019. Beijing. 2019-10. .

5. Zhao, J.. Institutional barriers to joint development of transport and land in China. TSTE 2018. Beijing. 2018-10. .

6. Zhao, J.. The analysis of the external economy of high-speed railway. TSTE 2017. Beijing. 2017-10. .

7. Zhao, J.. A reflection on the external economy of railway. The 48th Meeting of the Transportation 71 Forum. Beijing. 2017-09. .

8. Zhao, J.. Spatial mismatch of resources and supply-side structural reform. TSTE 2016. Chongqing. 2016-11. .

Social Practice
1. Positions of trade associations, societies and journals

1. Executive vice chairman of China Society of Industrial Economics.

2. Committee member of Transportation and Infrastructure Committee of China Society of Industrial Economics.