• Wu, Yudu
  • Title: Lecturer
  • E-mail: ydwu@bjtu.edu.cn
  • Department: Economics
Education Background

Bachelor:1992-09-1998-12,Industrial Economics,Henan University of Finance and Economics

Master:2002-09-2004-07,Western Economics Major,Renmin University of China

Ph.D.:2004-09-2007-07,Renmin University of China

Work Experience(Including Academic Visiting)

1.2007-07-01,Beijing Jiaotong University,Lecturer

2.1992-09-01,2002-09-01,Weidu District Civil Affairs Bureau of Xuchang, Henan Province,Senior Staff Member

Research Interests

Industrial Organization, Macroeconomics, Corporate Governance

Research Project
1. Academic Research

1. (CO-PI)Research on industrial safety—Theory, method and empirical analysis,Beijing Philosophy and Social Affairs Office,CO-PI:Bu, W.(2017-03-01 - 2017-12-31).

2. (CO-PI)Report on industrial safety and development in Beijing,Beijing Philosophy and Social Affairs Office,CO-PI:Bu, W.(2017-01-19 - 2017-12-31).

3. (CO-PI)Research on the system and mechanism of promoting the deep integration of technology and economy national social science major sub-topic 1: Study on mechanism of scientific innovation mechanism promoting deep fusion between science technology and economy,National Social Science Foundation of China Major Program,CO-PI:Bu, W.(2016-12-16 - 2020-07-31).

Teaching Courses


Marketing Planning

financial economics

International Finance

Enterprise Risk Management (B)

Enterprise risk management

Industrial Economics

Innovation and entrepreneurial management

Economic Research Methodology (A)


SME investment and financing

project financing

Principles of Economics


Project management


Statistical software application

1. Other publications

1. Zhang, L., Zhang, J., Lan, H., & Bian, W.. .

2. Fu, S., Zhang, K., Tian, Y., Yi, H., Zhao, Q., Yang, Y., Lu, X., Lin, Z., Wei, W., Huang, D., Zheng, K., Zhang, J., Mu, D., Song, G., Zhou, J., Huang, A., Yin, L., Bian, W., Shi, X., & Hua, G.. .

Meeting Presentations

1. Zhang, L., Zhang, J., Lan, H., & Bian, W.. .

2. Fu, S., Zhang, K., Tian, Y., Yi, H., Zhao, Q., Yang, Y., Lu, X., Lin, Z., Wei, W., Huang, D., Zheng, K., Zhang, J., Mu, D., Song, G., Zhou, J., Huang, A., Yin, L., Bian, W., Shi, X., & Hua, G.. .

Teaching Development Articles

1. Zhang, L., Zhang, J., Lan, H., & Bian, W.. .

2. Fu, S., Zhang, K., Tian, Y., Yi, H., Zhao, Q., Yang, Y., Lu, X., Lin, Z., Wei, W., Huang, D., Zheng, K., Zhang, J., Mu, D., Song, G., Zhou, J., Huang, A., Yin, L., Bian, W., Shi, X., & Hua, G.. .

3. Wu, Y.. Research on strategies for improving practical ability of students majoring in economics. The road to the cultivation and construction of undergraduate talents in world-class universities with distinctive features. 2016-04..


1. Zhang, L., Zhang, J., Lan, H., & Bian, W.. .

2. Fu, S., Zhang, K., Tian, Y., Yi, H., Zhao, Q., Yang, Y., Lu, X., Lin, Z., Wei, W., Huang, D., Zheng, K., Zhang, J., Mu, D., Song, G., Zhou, J., Huang, A., Yin, L., Bian, W., Shi, X., & Hua, G.. .

3. Wu, Y.. Research on strategies for improving practical ability of students majoring in economics. The road to the cultivation and construction of undergraduate talents in world-class universities with distinctive features. 2016-04. .