Prof. Mu Jifeng from Alabama A & M University Lectures at Business Administration Rostrum, focusing on “Networking Capability and New Product Development”
Article source: |Release date: 13-Sep-2013|Clicks:1183

Introduction of the speaker:
Introduction of the lecture:

On the afternoon of May 17, 2013, Prof. Mu Jifeng from Department of Marketing of School of Business Administration, Alabama A & M University Lectured at Business Administration Rostrum, focusing on “Networking Capability and New Product Development, attended by Prof. Zhang Wensong, Prof. Ding Hui, Prof. Liu Yingqi, Associate Professor He Lin and Associate Professor Qiu Xiaodong, and 40-odd postgraduates. The lecture was presided over by Tang Fangcheng.   This report consisted of three parts, and Prof. Mu got started with the report theme by talking about stories about Bill Gates and some pictures related to HR network and corporate coordination network. Prof. Mu pointed out, at present, the theory about the corporate coordinating network was inclined to the study of the network framework and structure but failed to pay the due attention to the process and capacity of the building of the coordinating network. He thinks that the corporate network capacity mainly demonstrates three major aspects, say, finding network partners, managing network partners and leveraging network partners. In view of the building of Conceptual Model, Prof. Mu categorized the reduction of corporate interaction cost, discovery of opportunities, access to resources, acquisition of market knowledge and technical knowledge as the intervening variables to evaluate the corporate network capacity and new product development performances and the environmental dynamism as the regulated variable of the two aspects. In the empirical study phase, he gave the full demonstration to his points of views with the detailed data.   After his lecture, Prof. Mu Jifeng shares an in-depth discussion with the faculty and students from the school related to some problems.