Lecture Given by Professor Di Lu from SOAS, University of London
Article source: |Release date: 12-Apr-2016|Clicks:1603



Invited by the Economics Branch of the SEM, Beijing Jiaotong University, Professor Di Lu from the School of Economics, Renmin University of China and SOAS, University of London gave a lecture titled To Develop or Not To Develop? Chinas Going Out with World Development in Room SD611 between 2 and 4 p.m. on March 31st. Many students and teachers showed great interest and attended this lecture.


Professor Di Lu firstly gave an account of the growing impact the China has on the world development since the beginning of this century till its rise to be one of the main decisive players in the world arena. Secondly, Professor Lu presented his critique of a handful of propositions, with inclusion of the squeezing of world development by Chinas neo-liberalism, Chinas role in lowering the working conditions of the working class throughout the world, and the budding of imperialism in China. In his view, China has generally played a positive role in the world development. Finally, he pointed out that the overall structure of Chinas political economics had all along been oriented toward production notwithstanding the neo-liberalistic and financially speculative tendencies of the world capitalism. In this light, Chinas external economic campaigns would act positively to promote the world development. As for the sustainability of Chinas positive role in the whole world, however, it would largely depend on the possible result of fundamental political and economic evolution in China and beyond.


The attendees, the teaching staff and students alike, echoed Professor Lus speech with heated discussions. They responded actively with questions and their own statements over the points. Professor Lu then analyzed and furthering discussed and give proper answers to their questions.