The Adjunct professor's awarding ceremony for E.T. Verhoef, Chairman of the department of economics and business administration of the VU University Amsterdam as well as research fellow at the Tinbergen institute of economics, was held successfully in the Siyuan East Building Room 306 on October 27th 2 P.M. Guowei Hua, the vice Dean of the school of economics and management, awarded a certificate to professor Verhoef to appoint him as an adjunct professor of our college. The awarding ceremony was hosted by Professor Yacan Wang.
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Then Professor Verhoef gave a speech entitled Scheduling in Transportation Markets: Endogeneity of Desired Arrival Times to more than 100 teachers and students from the school of economics and management. He used empirical data and theoretical models to explore the time value and welfare changes of commuters, and provided new research ideas for both teachers and students.
From October 28th to 29th, Professor Verhoef participated in the fifth forum transportation and Spatio-Temporal economics organized by school of economics and management and gave a keynote speech.The title of the speech is Towards Smart Urban Mobility: A Transport Economics Perspective, which gave a detailed introduction to the policy on traffic congestion management. Professor Verhoef conducted on an academic discussion with Professor Chaohe Rong, Professor Jian Zhao, Professor Guoquan Li, Professor Werner Rothengatter, Professor Takeshi Chishakii and Professor Yoshiharu Takamatsu, , who also participated in the forum.
At 7 P.M. 28th, Professor Verhoef attended Chinese transport special sessions and had a deep discussion on how to ease urban congestion with some domestic transportation companies such as ETCP, OFO, Yunmanman and government departments .
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Professor Verhoef is currently a full professor in Spatial Economics at VU Amsterdam, and a research fellow of the Tinbergen Institute. He has been Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, and Head of Department of Spatial Economics, both at VU Amsterdam. He is co-editor-in-chief of Economics of Transportation and Associate Editor of Transportation Research B. Professor Verhoef is a globally influential transportation and spatial economist, covering wide ranges of research areas of transport, urban and spatial systems. He has published 165 papers and 52 book chapters, with H-index 37in scholar google. These rich academic achievements make him belong to the top 4% of economists worldwide in REPECs overall ranking. His textbook of Urban Transport Economics is the most cited textbook in transportation economics domain.