Achieve Fruitful Results: Professors and Students of the School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University Attend the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2019)
Article source: |Release date: 05-Jul-2019|Clicks:2017

From May 26 to May 31, 2019, the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2019) was held at the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai. More than 800 experts and scholars from 25 countries and regions gathered there, to discuss the current cutting-edge knowledge in the fields of the transportation sector and transportation economics studies. Some teachers of our school, including Wang Yacan, Chen Peihong, Li Hongchang and Zhou Huiyu, and graduate representatives were invited to participate in the conference where they reported on their research findings. Furthermore, the representatives also reached a number of cooperation intentions with scholars at home and abroad on international academic exchanges and international conference holding.

The delegation has carried out a variety of academic interactions with different groups during the conference. For instance, they discussed with Stephen Perkins, commissioner of OECD International Transport Forum (ITF), about how to dynamically combine ITF with TSTE 2019 conference. They communicated with Professor Tae Oum, the chairman of WCTR, on how to promote the development of the transportation logistics training and the special interest group in WCTR. Besides, they talked with Professor Anthony May, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, to promote the cooperation between the University of Leeds and Beijing Jiaotong University in scientific research, personnel training and other fields. There were also deep communications between them and scholars at home and abroad, including Profess Zong Tian from University of Nevada and Professor Pan Haixiao from Tongji University. This time, the delegation was funded and supported by a Sino-European joint research program called Urban Public Management and Service Innovation: New Urban Mobility Management and Policy. The program is numbered 71961137005, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China and JPI Urban Europe. Research findings related to the program have also been presented at WCTR 2019.


Figure 1 A group photo of part of the participants at WCTR 2019


In the sub-theme reporting session, Associate Professor Zhou Huiyu presented a report named The study of influencing factors on the coopetition relationship between public bus and bike-sharing. She mainly explored the competitive and cooperative relationship between the public transportation and the bicycle sharing from the perspective of traveller behaviour. She uses a multivariate Logit regression model to quantify the impact of various influencing factors on travellers' choices, so as to provide relevant policy recommendations for the planning of urban public transport systems and for the enhancement of the convenience of peoples lives. The research of Associate Professor Zhou Huiyu and Ph.D. student Su Duan is funded by Urban Public Management and Service Innovation: New Urban Mobility Management and Policy (Project No. 71961137005) which has been introduced above.


Figure 2 Zhou Huiyu reporting at the session


Associate Professor Li Hongchang made a presentation on Acceptability of luggage fees for civil aviation passengers in China: a SP survey. He also used the SP questionnaire method to obtain research-related datum, and then empirically analyzed the acceptable range and influencing factors of passengers taking airlines of Chinas civil aviation when they were charged baggage fees. He held the opinion that with the rapid development of high-speed railway, the existence of market competition was a consideration for whether Chinese airlines would take baggage charges as well.


Figure 3 Li Hongchang communicating with professors and scholars after the meeting?


Ph.D. student Su Duan, supervised by Professor Wang Yacan, reported Effects of congestion charge on relocation decisions under non-capital functions relieving strategy in Beijing, China at the session. He designed a questionnaire, using the method of stated preference, with a total of 321 investigators. He maintained that factors including personal and family attributes, residence and professional attributes, attitudes toward policy, and changes in expectations in the new environment had important influences on peoples relocation decisions.


Figure 4 Su Duan reporting at the group session


During the conference, the delegation, while conducting academic reports, keynote speeches and academic cooperation and exchanges, also actively promoted the reputation of The 7th International Conference on Transportation and Space-time Economics (TSTE 2019) held by Beijing Jiaotong University, which has enhanced the academic influence and international influence of our university.



Figure 5 Wang Yacan introducing the TSTE (2019) conference to be held in our university


The WCTR conference is one of the main platforms for the academic exchange of transport economists around the whole world. The conference brought together top scholars and distinguished young students in the field, and collected the conference papers which presented the worlds most advanced research in transport economics. The research topics of the conference cover a variety of aspects, including the transport studies, planning, policy and management of various modes of transportation.