The First Beijing Jiaotong University - Macquarie University Finance Bilateral Forum Successfully Held
Article source: |Release date: 17-Jul-2024|Clicks:626

On the afternoon of July 10, 2024, the first Beijing Jiaotong University - Macquarie University Finance Bilateral Forum was successfully held in Room 612, Siyuan East Building, School of Economics and Management at Beijing Jiaotong University. The forum attracted nearly 20 enthusiastic scholars from Beijing Jiaotong University, Macquarie University, Hunan University, Tianjin University, and Capital University of Economics and Business. The forum was chaired by Lu Chao, Director of the Finance Department at the School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University.


Professor Li Hongchang, Vice Dean of the School of Economics and Management at Beijing Jiaotong University, delivered the opening speech, welcoming the scholars, introducing the distinctive features and academic achievements of the School of Economics and Management and the Finance Department, and wishing the forum great success. Following this, Director Lu Chao announced the forum agenda.


Associate Professor Clara Zhou from Macquarie University first gave a presentation titled “Media Power and Sustainability: Evidence from Supply-chain News Shocks in China.” She delved into the impact of media reports on corporate procurement decisions, finding that media coverage significantly influences companies' responses to suppliers' environmental behaviors and highlighting the role of media in promoting corporate sustainability. Assistant Professor Huang Chao from Beijing Jiaotong University provided a detailed review of the paper, emphasizing its innovation and practical significance, and offered constructive suggestions.


Professor Jianlei Han from Macquarie University presented his research report titled “Fintech Lending and Debt Spiral.” He analyzed the double-edged sword effect of fintech lending in driving economic development. Using a unique dataset from microloan companies, he found that after borrowers are approved for loans from a particular fintech lending institution, they receive more promotional information from other fintech lending platforms, leading to a debt spiral issue. Professor Guohao Tang from Hunan University commented on the research, highlighting its potential application in policy-making and engaging in a lively discussion with the attendees.


After a short intermission, Assistant Professor Tianqi Jiang from Beijing Jiaotong University presented her report titled “Are Female Government Officials Greener? Evidence from Green Investment.” Through empirical data analysis, she explored the performance of female government officials in green investments and concluded that female officials are more inclined to promote green investments. Assistant Professor Shouyu Yao from Tianjin University provided an in-depth review of the research and offered valuable suggestions for future research directions.


Doctoral student Jianglei Yuan from the School of Economics and Management at Beijing Jiaotong University presented a report titled “Volatility of Volatility Risk Premium: Evidence from Chinese SSE 50 ETF Options.” Using data from Chinese SSE 50 ETF options, Dr. Yuan validated the effect of volatility of volatility risk premium. Associate Professor Zhao Wang from Capital University of Economics and Business, along with other attendees, showed great interest in this cutting-edge topic and actively discussed the research methods, conclusions, and future application value.


Finally, the scholars engaged in an in-depth discussion and exchange on the construction of the finance discipline. Director Lu Chao stated that this forum not only provided a platform for scholars to share research results and ideas but also further promoted academic exchange and cooperation among universities, laying a solid foundation for future research.