Associate Professor Wang Chao from our institute visited Malaysia for research and investigation at the invitation of the National Think Tank
Article source: |Release date: 07-Jun-2023|Clicks:327

At the behest of the Silk Road Planning and Research Center, a national think tank, Associate Professor Wang Chao from the School of Economics and Management at Beijing Jiaotong University visited Malaysia from May 29 to June 2. His mission was to conduct a thorough investigation into the key project of 'the Belt and Road' initiative—the Malaysian East Coast Railway (ECRL).


The research team engaged in extensive discussions with key figures, including Malaysian Minister of Transport Lu Zhaofu, Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia Ouyang Yujing and embassy officials, President Darwis Abdul Razak of the Malaysian Railway Connection Company (MRL), and the East Coast Railway project team. They conducted on-site investigations at the construction nodes of the Yunding Tunnel and delved into comprehensive discussions regarding the progress of Malaysia's East Coast Railway (ECRL). The project is currently projected to reach completion in early 2027, with anticipated positive effects on driving economic and social development along its route.
