LISS2022 and IEIS2022 International Academic Conferences Successfully Convened
Article source: |Release date: 23-Jul-2022|Clicks:673

From July 21 to 23, 2022, Beijing Jiao Tong University's International Center for Informatics Research (ICIR) and National Academy of Economic Security (NAES), along with the School of Economics and Management, and the Beijing Institute of Materials and Materials, in partnership with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the University of Reading, UK, successfully hosted the 12th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS2022) and the 9th International Conference on Industrial Economic Systems and Industrial Security Engineering (IEIS2022). Sanctioned by the Ministry of Education, these conferences were originally scheduled to take place at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University but were shifted to an online format due to pandemic concerns.


The opening ceremony, held via online video conferencing on July 21st, featured Professor Guan Zhongliang, Vice President of Beijing Jiaotong University and one of the conference Presidents. He welcomed attendees, detailed the university's history and vision, and expressed hopes for a successful conference.


The conference showcased keynote speeches from eight eminent scholars in logistics, information technology, service science, and industrial security. Highlights included Professor Suzanne de Treville from the University of Lausanne discussing the value of supply chain response and resilience; Professor Roel Leus from the University of Leuven presenting a new scheduling model for parallel machine scheduling; and Professor Robin Qiu from Pennsylvania State University exploring digital transformation in building energy efficiency and health communication. Other notable presentations covered topics like digital twins, green packaging, translational medical informatics, logistics network design, and airline strategies during the pandemic.


In addition to these keynotes, the conference hosted eight group paper presentations over two days, drawing nearly 200 scholars from 14 countries. Concurrently, over 130 young scholars from 28 universities across eight countries participated in the "7th China Europe Logistics, Information Technology, Management and Service Science PhD Summer School," engaging in these conferences through various online and offline methods.


Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the thematic reports and paper presentations sparked considerable interest and response among attendees. The proceedings, supported by Springer Nature, will be published and included in the CPCI-S and EI databases.


Given the pandemic's impact on in-person events, the 13th LISS conference and the 10th IEIS conference are scheduled to be hosted by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in July 2023, as agreed upon by the organizing committee.


Conference Background:


The LISS conference, initiated by Beijing Jiao Tong University ICIR, University of Reading, Pennsylvania State University, and the University of California, Berkeley, aims to bring together experts in logistics, information technology, and service science to discuss academic challenges and share the latest research. The IEIS Conference, founded by Beijing Jiao Tong University NAES and ICIR, along with the University of California, Berkeley, focuses on industrial economy and security, addressing national strategic needs and fostering scientific solutions for social development and economic security.


Each conference has received ongoing support from various educational and academic institutions, including the Wang Kuancheng Foundation, the China Europe Engineering Education Alliance, IEEE SMC, and several prominent universities worldwide. The LISS and IEIS conferences have established themselves as internationally recognized events, greatly influencing the fields of logistics informatization and industrial security.