2022 Economics "Editor in Chief Face to Face" Special Lecture Series: Professor Stuart S. Rosenthal Explores Agglomeration Economies
Article source: |Release date: 25-Jun-2022|Clicks:606

The third lecture in the 2022 "Editor in Chief Face to Face" Special Lecture Series in Economics was held successfully with Professor Stuart S. Rosenthal, editor in chief of the Journal of Urban Economics and a professor at Syracuse University. On June 23, 2022, from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm Beijing time, Professor Rosenthal presented an online academic lecture entitled "Agglomeration Economies and the Built Environment: Evidence from Specialized Buildings and Anchor Tenants." The School of Economics and Management at Beijing Jiaotong University hosted the event, with Elsevier Group and the Forum of Economic Management Home co-organizing, reaching 2056 participants across various online platforms.


Professor Rosenthal, a distinguished economist recognized by the International Regional Science Association, explored the dynamics of agglomeration economies at a micro-level within buildings, considering the roles of anchor tenants and their effect on surrounding businesses. Using data from major U.S. cities, he examined the impact of anchor tenants on the specialization of production inside buildings and the attraction of similar small businesses, offering empirical evidence of their influence within and beyond the building environment.


Reviewers Professor Li Shanjun from Cornell University and Assistant Professor Li Jing from Singapore Management University commended the research for its innovative perspective and rich data. They suggested methodological refinements such as expanding fixed effects, exploring spatial attenuation, and dynamically identifying industry changes due to anchor tenants.


In his lecture, Professor Rosenthal provided a new micro-level perspective on agglomeration economies, shedding light on industry-specific behaviors within the built environment and their broader economic impact. The lecture series continues to foster academic discourse, encouraging participants to delve deeper into urban economics.