Beijing Jiaotong University Hosts 2022 Economics "Editor in Chief Face to Face" Plenary Meeting
Article source: |Release date: 21-Jun-2022|Clicks:544

The School of Economics and Management at Beijing Jiaotong University successfully conducted the 2022 "Editor in Chief Face to Face" plenary meeting for economics on June 20, 2022. The event, which ran from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm, was organized in conjunction with Elsevier and the Management Home Forum, utilizing platforms like Zoom, Elsevier live streaming, Management Home live streaming, and Bilibili to reach a wide audience.


The virtual conference brought together editors in chief from seven leading economics journals for a comprehensive dialogue on academic writing, submission, and publication of high-level research. These journals, representing the pinnacle in fields such as industrial organization and behavioral economics, included the Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Financial Economics, and several others.


The esteemed panel of editors included Nathaniel Hendren from Harvard University, Toni White from the University of Michigan, and experts from the University of Hamburg, Syracuse University, European University College, and Indiana University, among others. They offered valuable insights into the standards of high-quality papers, selection of journal topics, and revision advice, engaging with the audience in a lively exchange.


With over 18,000 attendees across various platforms, the event was a testament to the keen interest in academic publishing within the economic community.


Professor Wang Yacan from Beijing Jiaotong University chaired the meeting, and Dean Shi Xianliang opened the proceedings with a speech expressing gratitude to the guests and outlining the conference's role in fostering robust academic exchanges.


Bethan Keall from Elsevier, co-organizer of the event, highlighted the growing contributions of Chinese scholars to Elsevier's economic journals and the importance of their support for the journal's development.


Each editor in chief then took the stage to discuss their respective journals, offering tailored advice on the submission and publication process. Highlights included:


- Professor Tilman Börgers of the Journal of Economic Theory emphasizing the importance of strong theoretical underpinnings in submissions.

- Professor Toni White of the Journal of Financial Economics discussing the journal's swift review process and new submission guidelines encouraging data sharing.

- Professor Nathaniel Hendren of the Journal of Public Economics stressing the journal's focus on empirical papers with causal effects of government policies.

- Professor Andreas Lange of the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management encouraging a deeper theoretical foundation in submissions from Chinese scholars.

- Professor Stuart S. Rosenthal of the Journal of Urban Economics underscoring the relevance of urban economics research in China.

- Professor Giacomo Calzolari of the International Journal of Industrial Organization discussing the need for innovative and methodologically sound papers.

- Professor Daniela Puzzello of the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization providing detailed advice on successful paper acceptance.


A 40-minute interactive session followed, where attendees discussed various research topics, model building, and data acquisition with the editors.


This conference, part of a series initiated by the School of Economics and Management since 2018, marks an expansion from transportation research into broader economic fields. It sets the stage for upcoming specialized editor seminars, offering a vital platform for domestic and international research and exchange in economics. The series aims to promote academic localization, diversify communication, expand international academic influence, and support young Chinese scholars in their research endeavors.